Epoxy Products

Everything that is in an energy transmission and distribution (T&D) equipment needs electrical insulation and that’s Indisol focus. Have the weirdest shape you can and the most particular and difficult specifications. These are the challenges that most motivate us and our way of being.
We put our skills at the service of the desires and freedom of TD equipment designers. With new performance and safety requirements and new environmental restrictions for TD installations, it becomes necessary to design new, more demanding and sometimes “out of the box” solutions. We are here to co-create with our customers and partners the insulating solutions that respond to your and our needs, for the sake of a more sustainable future.
Always supported by our’s in-house test in order to rest our clients.
Our Products


GIS Products

Capacitive Voltage Divider [+]


Resistive & Capacitive Insulator Dividers [+]

Support Insulator [+]