
Significant Progress Made in Sustainable Business Practices

Indisol is proud to announce that we have successfully reduced paper use in our factory by 70% through the digitalization of our factory floor. We have long recognized the importance of sustainability and reducing our environmental impact, and this achievement is a significant step in our efforts to operate a more eco-friendly business. This milestone is also a testament to our adherence to ISO 14001, an internationally recognized standard for environmental management.

By digitizing our factory floor, we have eliminated the need for paper-based processes and have instead implemented digital workflows and communication channels. This has not only reduced our paper consumption but has also improved our efficiency and productivity. Our staff now have access to real-time information, reducing the need for manual data entry and allowing us to make faster, more informed decisions.

ISO 14001 certification has played a critical role in our sustainability efforts, helping us to standardize our environmental management system and stay up-to-date with the best practices in the market. Our commitment to sustainability and reducing waste goes beyond just paper reduction. We are constantly seeking new ways to improve our environmental impact, such as optimizing our energy consumption and reducing water usage. We believe that every small step counts towards a better future for our planet, and we are proud to be leading the way in sustainable manufacturing.

Join us in our efforts to build a more sustainable future, and let’s work together to make a positive impact on our planet.

